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    Vestnik Kavkaza: Vladimir Jabarov: “We don’t take revenge, but if you don’t want to trade with us, it is your choice”



Bulgarian Minister of Energy stated that the gas pipeline is important for Sofia, it should meet the EU laws, and Sofia wants to continue talks with Moscow

by: Sruthi

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Press Notes

Vestnik Kavkaza: Vladimir Jabarov: “We don’t take revenge, but if you don’t want to trade with us, it is your choice”

In early December Vladimir Putin stated that Russia couldn’t implementation of the project of South Stream, due to the non-constructive position of the EU, including Bulgaria’s. However, last week the Bulgarian Minister of Energy stated that the gas pipeline is important for Sofia, it should meet the EU laws, and Sofia wants to continue consultations with Moscow on the issue. Serbia wants to continue the dialogue on construction of South Stream as well. Hungary is also in a difficult situation.

The deputy head of the Federation Council committee on international affairs, senator Vladimir Dzhabarov told Vestnik Kavkaza about South Stream and its alternative.

- Hungary already said that after the closing of South Stream it is counting on Azerbaijani gas, on Caspian gas that will come through the Trans-Adriatic pipeline. The Southern Gas Corridor was also mentioned at the meeting of the European Commission. Gazprom probably also considers Azerbaijani gas when it talks about the construction of a hub at the Turkish-Greek border. What do you think, can we call Azerbaijan a strategic partner of Russia in supplying gas to Europe?

- We can, but we need to keep in mind that the gas reserves in Azerbaijan are not so big. As I said, even if all Azerbaijani gas goes to Europe, it will cover only 10% of its needs. So the problem is not resolved. They can’t count on Turkmen gas. Because Turkmenistan supplies gas to Russia, they are interested in it. And they are also building a pipeline to China. They can count on gas from Kazakhstan, but it also goes through Russia.