• Natural Gas News

    Washington Post: The other side of the fracking fight



Natural gas can play a big role in transitioning to cleaner energy cheaply by potentially reducing coal dependence and giving time for renewables to lower costs.


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Press Notes

Washington Post: The other side of the fracking fight

NEW YORK STATE has become the country’s most intense battleground in the fight over unconventional natural-gas drilling, known as fracking. Now anti-fracking activists in the Empire State are claiming a victory. They ought to think twice about what they are wishing for.

Those who would ban fracking or regulate it into oblivion ignore the exceptional benefits that inexpensive natural gas can provide in the biggest environmental fight of our time — against climate change.

After four years of review, state regulators opted for another round of public-health analysis before they permit new unconventional wells. More analysis will probably trigger another public-comment period, even though the state has already taken in nearly 80,000 comments.  MORE