Western Australia Inquiry on Hydraulic Fracturing
The Inquiry
On Wednesday, the Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs commenced its inquiry into the implications for Western Australia of hydraulic fracturing for unconventional gas, known as ‘fracking’.
This is the first parliamentary inquiry in Australia to consider the process of fracking for unconventional gas and the results will inform future policy decisions regulating the practice.
The inquiry terms of reference include:
- how hydraulic fracturing may impact on current and future uses of land;
- the regulation of chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process;
- the use of ground water in the hydraulic fracturing process and the potential for recycling of ground water; and
- the reclamation (rehabilitation) of land that has been hydraulically fractured.
Committee chairman, Simon O’Brien said the inquiry could take up to two years and be expanded to address related issues they arise.
Make a submission
Interested parties have until Friday 20 September 2013 to make written submissions addressing the terms of reference.
Submissions may be lodged by email, post or fax. All email submissions will need to have an electronic signature affixed.
More information
Further information on the inquiry and submission process can be found by clicking here.
This article by Martin Klapper and Kylie Panckhurst of HopgoodGanim was republished with permission.