• Natural Gas News

    Western Australia to Pay More for Gorgon Gas



West Australian government is likely to pay higher price for gas from Chevron's Gorgon project than from the North West Shelf.

by: Shardul

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Western Australia to Pay More for Gorgon Gas

West Australian government is likely to pay higher price for gas from Chevron's Gorgon project than from the North West Shelf.

The Greens energy spokesman Robin Chapple says he has been told by industry sources the wholesale gas supply price could be rising massively, ABC News reported.

Gorgon is scheduled to be producing by 2015 and Chapple says WA consumers are being left in the dark.

"We're expecting gas prices to literally go through the roof because of the new contracts," ABC quoted Chapple as saying.

The Energy Minister Mike Nahan has attacked the claim but he has admitted the price could more than double.

"The price increases coming in now it could be a hundred per cent, a little bit over, but nothing, nothing like six-fold, that's just scaremongering," Nahan said.