• Natural Gas News

    WestSide Boosts CSG Output at Meridian SeamGas



WestSide Corporation has announced that coal seam gas output at its Meridian SeamGas project in Queensland’s Bowen Basin for the March quarter has risen to 305 terajoules.

by: Shardul

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WestSide Boosts CSG Output at Meridian SeamGas

WestSide Corporation has announced that coal seam gas output at its Meridian SeamGas project in Queensland’s Bowen Basin for the March quarter has risen to 305 terajoules. The is an increase of 22.4% compared with same period last year.

Coal seam gas production for the March 2012 quarter was also up 10.6% over the December 2011 quarter.

During the first week of April, average daily net production reaching about 6.2 terajoules (12.2 terajoules gross production), up from average net production of just above 5 terajoules in March.

Meridian’s  seven new dual-lateral wells and three new up-dip laterals were all on pump now for the first time with Pretty Plains 10 flowing gas for the past month at a rate of more than 1,000,000 scf/d.