• Natural Gas News

    News North Wales: Wrexham fracking concerns rise to the surface



GP Energy Ltd has applied to test drill for methane under Wrexham has moved to allay fears it could use controversial ‘fracking’ techniques in the future.


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News North Wales: Wrexham fracking concerns rise to the surface

A MULTINATIONAL firm which has applied to test drill for methane under Wrexham has moved to allay fears it could use controversial ‘fracking’ techniques in the future.

The plans by GP Energy Ltd to test drill a borehole to explore for coal bed methane more than 1,000 metres underground will be considered by Wrexham Council later this year.

If approved, the drilling site would be on land near Cotton Wood Farm near Borras, Wrexham.

The site is about two miles from the River Dee and opponents have voiced concerns that the test drilling could be a precursor to hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking.

But Dart Energy, which owns GP Energy, said it has no plans for fracking in the area and says the well will be cemented over once exploration has taken place.  MORE