• Natural Gas News

    WSJ: Europe Targets Its Shale, but Hurdles Limit Investor Allure



Changing regulations, widespread public fear, production costs and lack of equipment all reasons for investors erring on the side of caution when it comes to investing in shale resources in Europe.


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Press Notes

WSJ: Europe Targets Its Shale, but Hurdles Limit Investor Allure

Europe is hoping to repeat the shale-oil-and-gas bonanza that has transformed the American market, but investors expecting easy money have reasons to be cautious.

The potential rewards are tantalizing. Investors who bought shares in U.S. shale-oil producer Continental Resources Inc. in 2009 have more than tripled their money. Backers of XTO Energy, another shale-gas producer, received a 25% premium when ExxonMobil Corp., acquired the company in a stock deal valued at about $30 billion in 2010.

For Europe, the reality is that many hurdles remain: Companies are exposed to ever-changing regulations; there are widespread public fears about the safety of shale; production costs are high; and there is a far-from-plentiful supply of equipment like drilling rigs.  MORE