• Natural Gas News

    APLNG Project Takes a Step Forward



Queensland’s Coordinator-General has approved two new sections of the project’s 525-kilometre gas transmission pipeline.

by: Shardul

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APLNG Project Takes a Step Forward

Queensland’s Coordinator-General has approved two new sections of the project’s 525-kilometre gas transmission pipeline.

The two sections are a 44 kilometre section of pipeline within the Callide Infrastructure Corridor State Development Area (CICSDA) and a 27.5 kilometre section of pipeline within the Gladstone State Development Area (GSDA), a statement on the Queensland government website said.

The two land use approvals are in line with conditions set by the Coordinator-General, through the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process, that the proponent must locate its gas transmission pipeline within the CICSDA and the GSDA, the statement further added.

Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the approved ‘material change of use’ applications meant the proponent has now passed the final major steps in meeting the Coordinator-General’s EIS conditions.

“This will now allow the APLNG project to push on to deliver a project that will provide major benefits for both Queensland, and the nation,” Seeney said.

Bothe sections are both important components of the gas transmission pipeline network required to deliver gas from the coal seam gas fields to the liquefied natural gas facility under construction on Curtis Island.