• Natural Gas News

    Bangladesh Resumes LNG Operations


A fault has been fixed, gas is flowing again, and cargo deliveries are expected to resume.

by: M Azizur Rahman

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Bangladesh Resumes LNG Operations

Regasification at Bangladesh's first, and only, installed floating LNG import terminal resumed November 15 following a 12-day hiatus

State-owned terminal operator RPGCL's managing director, Mohammad Quamruzzaman, told NGW about the restart and said that Qatar's RasGas will resume cargo deliveries to Bangladesh from November 21.

Excelerate Energy's vessel Excellence resumed regasification at around 6:30 am local time and volumes reached the area of Chattogram (formerly Chittagong) at about 10 am, at around 0.1bn ft3/d, reaching 0.126 bn ft3/d by 12:40 pm; these are expected to continue to grow gradually.

"Electricity generation in three gas-fired power units – at Rauzan and Shikalbaha having total electricity generation of around 585 MW – reinitiated after getting regasified today," said state-run gas distributor KGDCL's managing director Khaiz Ahmed Mozumder said. More gas-fired power plants and fertiliser factories have requested the initiation of operations after getting more regasified LNG, he added. 

KGDCL, the gas distributor for the country's southeastern Chattogram area and the lone consumer of regasified LNG, was receiving around 0.326bn ft3/d just before flows stopped 12 days ago. 

Excellence had some 76,000 m3 of LNG stored onboard when regasification was terminated, added a senior Petrobangla official, so regasification is expected to continue until the next LNG delivery on November 21. Petrobangla had to cancel two LNG cargoes, each of about 140,000 m3, from its sole supplier RasGas because of the outage, which was due to a faulty underwater hydraulic valve on November 3.