• Natural Gas News

    Financial Times: Clean, cheap, reliable energy no easy task



The economics of North American gas production may be unsustainable right now but the advances in extraction techniques are genuine. There are structural features of the energy business that give it stability in the face of technological change. The upper echelons of the US and global oil and gas industry have been very little changed.


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Financial Times: Clean, cheap, reliable energy no easy task

“Providing sustainable energy for all could be the biggest opportunity of the 21st century,” said Ban Ki-moon, secretary-general of the UN, recently.

It is a commonly heard argument: the innovators that can provide cheap, clean and reliable energy will be the corporate titans of the future.

On the face of it, it is an attractive idea. Innovation has caused corporate upheavals in computing, telecommunications, retail and entertainment, and energy seems ripe for the same treatment.  MORE