CSG Explorer Comet Ridge Spuds Harrington 1 Well in the Galilee Basin
Coal seam gas explorer Comet Ridge Limited has spud the Harrington 1 well in the Galilee Basin block within ATP 1015P located in central Queensland.
Comet Ridge holds a 20% equity interest in the block, via a farmin arrangement with QER CSG Pty Ltd, the owner of the remaining 80% equity interest.
The well is expected to reach a total depth of approximately 1060 metres and will continue to evaluate and obtain key information on the major reservoir coals in the Permian aged Betts Creek Beds, according to Comet Ridge.
With the natural gas market in eastern Australia continuing to tightening significantly, the company continues to focus on expansion of its considerable resource base and reserve conversion in both the Galilee Basin and at Mahalo (ATP 337P) in the Bowen Basin in Queensland, Comet Ridge said.
Comet Ridge has an active exploration and appraisal work plan for CSG projects in Queensland and northern New South Wales.