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    Canada can help ease Europe's energy crunch: Canada Action


The advocacy group calls for increased Canadian export infrastructure. [image credit: Canada Action]

by: Maureen McCall

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Americas, Natural Gas & LNG News, Topics, EU, News By Country

Canada can help ease Europe's energy crunch: Canada Action

Severe energy shortages in Europe mean Canada should build out natural gas export infrastructure, industry advocate group Canada Action said on February 4.

The group urges the government and industry to act quickly to respond to Europe's acute energy crunch, as Canada’s natural gas is lower carbon than gas produced in many other regions.

"LNG produced in Canada under strict environmental, social and governance standards, is more important than ever before," said Canada Action founder Cody Battershill.

"We're blessed with an enormous endowment of natural gas, our Canadian workforce and our research establishments are the envies of the world, and we're known internationally as the greatest steward of natural and human resources."

However, as global energy players work to alleviate European gas shortages, there is slow progress in Canadian export infrastructure development. As Qatar and the US discuss LNG supply to Europe in the event of disruption from the brewing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the US has sent 49 LNG tankers to Europe to help replenish low gas stocks.

"Global markets already know Canada for our world-leading reputation as a progressive, reliable energy supplier," said Battershill. “It's clear that any increase in Canadian natural gas to Europe at such a pivotal time could provide real benefits to Europe and Canada alike."

He cites Germany as an example of an economy that would benefit from Canadian low-emission natural gas in the event a supply disruption.