• Natural Gas News

    FortisBC to supply RNG for McDonald’s Canada fleet


Fast-food giant will use RNG in seven supply chain fleet vehicles. [Image credit: FortisBC]

by: Dale Lunan

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Americas, Natural Gas & LNG News, Canada, News By Country

FortisBC to supply RNG for McDonald’s Canada fleet

BC utility FortisBC said October 27 the first tractor in McDonald’s Canada’s supply chain fleet is now operating on renewable natural gas, with six more RNG-fueled units expected to arrive by the end of the year.

The units are operated under contract to the fast-food giant by logistics provider Martin-Brower of Canada and will be supplied by up to 5,000 GJ/year of RNG from FortisBC. 

“At McDonald's Canada, we know making small changes to our supply chain can result in a big impact, which is why we're working with our long-time distribution partner Martin-Brower to help us use our scale for good,” said Rob Dick, supply chain officer at McDonald’s Canada. “Globally, we've pledged to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 – a pledge that we are continuing to make progress towards here in Canada by investing in real and tangible changes like testing seven new Kenworth tractors powered by RNG provided by FortisBC.”

Using RNG in CNG powered vehicles reduces emissions by up to 85% over diesel and costs about 45% less when carbon credits are generated and applied to the cost of RNG. Switching to RNG also uses the same natural gas engine without any additional capital investment once customers adopt CNG.

“We are committed to providing customers, like McDonald's Canada, with a lower-carbon fuel option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in commercial transportation,” said Mike Leclair, vice-president, major projects and liquefied natural gas at FortisBC. “RNG has enormous potential to economically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, a sector that contributes over 40% of greenhouse gas emissions in the province.”