• Natural Gas News

    France: Politics Imperil Energy Security



In October, two new bills will be examined in the French Parliament, which, if adopted, will halt any further development of shale gas and oil in France.


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Natural Gas & LNG News, France

France: Politics Imperil Energy Security

In October, two new bills will be examined in the French Parliament, which, if adopted, will halt any further development of shale gas and oil in France.

The bills aim at forbidding the exploitation of shale oil and gas irrespective even of future innovations in exploitation techniques.

Boris Martor and Raphaël Chétrit of the law firm Eversheds LLP, write in the European Energy Review that the shale gas debate in France is not based on rationality or science, but on ideology and electoral posturing.

The outcome is likely to cost France billions of euros and hurt the EU's security of energy supply.

Read:  French Parliament: blind to the bigger energy picture HERE