Greek Consortium Tackles Hydrogen Use
The dominant Greek gas supplier Depa is collaborating with Corinth Pipeworks to promote the use of hydrogen and biomethane in Greece's energy system, they said March 18.
The initial area for co-operation according to their memorandum of understanding (MoU) will be the technical specifications for a hydrogen pipeline network and how to convert the existing network to support the distribution of hydrogen. Steel pipelines are not able to carry large amounts of pure hydrogen safely as it makes the metal brittle. But blending it with methane in small ratios is generally considered safe and plastic pipelines seem to present fewer problems.
The two companies will also work with the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance and the European Hydrogen Association (Hydrogen Europe).
Depa Commercial CEO Konstantinos Xifaras said: "The signing of the memorandum of understanding today is an important step towards the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies in Greece."
Depa International Projects head Ioannis Papadopoulos said his company promoted new technologies and the MoU laid "the foundations for the implementation of the energy transition".
Corinth Pipeworks CEO Elias Bekiros said hydrogen from renewable energy sources is a key pillar in achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal and is at the centre of research at a European level. Our company is at the forefront of the industry for the provision of hydrogen transport solutions, through existing and new pipeline networks. Our goal is to achieve the viability of the EU economy and to ensure clean energy for future generations.