• Natural Gas News

    Iran Starts Injecting Gas into Iraq Pipeline



Iran has started injecting natural gas into a pipeline that will supply the fuel to Iraq.

by: Shardul

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Iran Starts Injecting Gas into Iraq Pipeline

Iran has started injecting natural gas into a pipeline that will supply the fuel to Iraq.

With this development, Iran is now technically ready to export gas to its neighbour, National Iranian Gas Transmission Company managing director Mohammad-Ali Emam told state owned news agency Shana.

"The pipeline is complete on the Iranian side and will be presently inaugurated by senior Iranian officials to start pumping gas to Iraq," he said.

Start of Iranian gas exports has been delayed due to security situation in Iraq.

Tehran and Baghdad have signed two gas deals in recent years. In 2013, the two parties signed an agreement under which Iran will transfer natural gas from South Pars gas field to Baghdad.

In November 2015, a second deal was signed which envisages gas supply to Iraqi city of Basra. Under the 6-year deal, Iran will supply Iraq with a daily amount of 25 mcm of natural gas. Gas exports to Basra will start with a daily volume of 7 mcm which could increase to 20 mcm/d in three phases.