• Natural Gas News

    Iran's Gas Output May Rise by 150 mcm per day



Iran will most likely boost its gas production by 150 million cubic meters per day this year after launching South Pars gas field phases 12, 15 and 16.

by: Shardul

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Iran's Gas Output May Rise by 150 mcm per day

Iran will most likely boost its gas production by 150 million cubic meters per day this year after launching South Pars gas field phases 12, 15 and 16.

Managing director of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), Ahmad Qalebani, added that production oil and gas from shared fields was one of the main priorities of the company over the current year, Shana News Agency reported.

The three phases of South Pars will not only raise total gas production but production of other by-products will as expected to rise, Shana quoted Qalebani as saying.

NOIC is also working on increasing the recovery rate, he said.