• Natural Gas News

    LNG plant construction can be made cleaner: McDermott


The US-based company completed an emissions study for Shell.

by: Daniel Graeber

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LNG plant construction can be made cleaner: McDermott

Oil and gas market services group McDermott International said November 29 that its studies found significant reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are possible with the right construction schemes for LNG facilities.

McDermott finished an LNG construction study for a division of Shell on “tangible” ways to reduce GHG emissions.

“We believe, in future scenarios, up to 65% of emissions associated with construction can be eliminated through a combination of construction execution efficiency, modularisation and targeted investment in construction emissions reduction initiatives," McDermott’s COO Samik Mukherjee said.

The announcement builds on agreements between two parties reached early this month. Shell in early November signed a memorandum of understanding with McDermott to look at ways of decarbonising construction. The pair aim to reduce or eliminate emissions using low carbon fuels, renewable power and digital solutions, and by decarbonising marine construction vessels.

On LNG, McDermott said its study found that “site efficiency improvements, replacing diesel powered equipment with lower GHG intensity alternatives, module fabrication and construction and sourcing lower intensity raw materials” could help with lowering the overall environmental footprint.

Both Shell and McDermott are striving to bring their emissions to net zero by 2050.