• Natural Gas News

    Oman, Iran to Further Talks on Gas Pipeline Next Week



A delegation from Oman will be in Tehran next week to discuss gas pipeline from Iran, Shana News reported Wednesday.

by: shardul

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Oman, Iran to Further Talks on Gas Pipeline Next Week

A delegation from Oman will be in Tehran next week to discuss gas pipeline from Iran, Shana News reported Wednesday.

Head of National Iranian Gas Exports Company (NIGEC) Ali-Reza Kameli said engineering studies and offshore issues will be discussed.

He said that a 200-kilometer pipeline is to be laid out from Mountain Mobarak to Sahar Port in Oman.

In 2013, Iran agreed to supply 28 mcm/d of gas to Oman through a subsea pipeline for a period of 15 years. However, recent media reports have suggested that talks pertaining to the pipeline has been stuck due to issues related to price and the route.

Oman wants Iran’s gas to satisfy the needs of its domestic industries. It also said a part of the Iranian gas will turned into liquefied natural gas (LNG) for exports to other markets including Japan, South Korea and India.