• Natural Gas News

    Pakistan Expects to Add 750 mmsfd of Gas to System by June



Pakistan expects to add around 750 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas to the system by June 2013.

by: Shardul

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Pakistan Expects to Add 750 mmsfd of Gas to System by June

Pakistan expects to add around 750 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas to the system by June 2013, resulting in an increase of 20 percent in the existing flow, Daily Times has reported.

The newspaper report said that the government is making all out efforts for addition of an estimated 200 mmcfd gas to the system from various sources, including new discoveries, abandoned fields, marginal and flared gases.

According to estimates, domestic gas shortage has reached 1.6 billion cubic feet (BCF) per day, resulting in closure of hundreds of industrial units across the country. At present the country’s total gas production stands at 4.3 BCF against total demand of 6 BCF.