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    Press TV: Iran Says Ready for Bigger Role in Gas Market



Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says the country is prepared to play a bigger role in the supply of natural gas to global markets.


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Press TV: Iran Says Ready for Bigger Role in Gas Market

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says the country is prepared to play a bigger role in the supply of natural gas to global markets.

Rouhani, who was speaking at the opening ceremony of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) summit in Tehran, emphasized that Iran has huge potentials in protecting the security of energy supplies thanks to its vast natural gas resources. 

Nevertheless, he said, the US-led sanctions that have been imposed on Iran’s energy sector over the past few years have prevented the country from fully exploiting its potentials.

“We believe that this situation will quickly change in light of the recent agreement over the Iranian nuclear energy program with the P5+1 countries,” Rouhani told the summit.

“The preparations for major changes to this status have been taken from the very start of the current Iranian government.”

The Iranian president further emphasized that any step to expedite an increase in Iran’s production of natural gas will enable the country to pursue its gas export schemes through pipelines or as liquefied natural gas (LNG).   MORE