• Natural Gas News

    Repsol Takes Case Against Argentina



Spanish oil and gas producer Repsol has taken a case against the Argentinian state, claiming the South American country acted wrongly in nationalising Repsol's subsidiary, YPF. Argentine government sources said the complaint had been lodged with the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

by: Angela Long

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Natural Gas & LNG News, News By Country, Spain

Repsol Takes Case Against Argentina

Spanish oil and gas producer Repsol has taken a case against the Argentine state, claiming the South American country acted wrongly in nationalising Repsol's subsidiary, YPF.

Argentine government sources said the complaint had been lodged with the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).

Argentine President Christina Fernandez nationalised YPF, the country’s most important energy company, in April. She claimed that Repsol management was under-investing in YPF,  in essence draining the company.

The BBC quotes Repsol as saying it took the action after waiting more than six months for a resolution to the seizure, which the company describes as "expropriation".

Cases taken to the ICSID could take a year for a resolution.