• Natural Gas News

    Texas Based SCT&E LNG Looks to Sign Supply Deal With China



SCT&E LNG, which is developing an LNG export terminal in Louisiana, is keen on signing LNG supply deal with China.

by: shardul

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Texas Based SCT&E LNG Looks to Sign Supply Deal With China

Texas based SCT&E LNG, which is developing an LNG export terminal in Louisiana, is keen on signing LNG supply deal with China.

“There are currently no announced off-take transactions between major U.S. LNG developers and China. SCT&E LNG intends on changing that,” Greg Michaels, Chairman and CEO of SCT&E LNG said on Wednesday.

Company executives have just returned from a successful 45-day trip to Latin American and Asia for meetings with government officials, potential off-takers, and investors regarding the development of the $9.2 billion LNG export terminal in Southwest Louisiana.

Michaels noted that because China has instituted aggressive climate change policies to reduce their C02 emissions, they are turning to LNG as a fuel source to fulfill their energy demands and diversify their energy portfolio, which will double their demand for natural gas in the next five years and their long-term LNG demand is expected to make China the second largest LNG importer by 2025.

The SCT&E LNG project is currently modeled as an LNG tolling facility utilizing cryogenic technologies to liquefy natural gas for the exportation of natural gas globally. The SCT&E LNG plan is to liquefy approximately 1.62 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas to create approximately 12 million tons per annum of LNG at its future facilities on Monkey Island, Cameron Parish, Louisiana.