• Natural Gas News

    Turkey Looks for Lower Russian Gas Price



Turkey is looking for discount on Russian gas supplies.

by: shardul

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Turkey Looks for Lower Russian Gas Price

Turkey is looking for discount on Russian gas supplies.

Country’s energy minister Taner Yildiz is meeting Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Alexander Medvedev to discuss the repercussions of the Ukraine crisis on Turkey, mutual investment opportunities, storage of natural gas and the South Stream gas projects in particular, says Anadolu Agency.

"We do not want to announce a certain price yet, we will discuss this issue with Medvedev," said Yildiz adding “We wish for natural gas prices to be set according to international price levels applied to some EU countries.”

Demand for natural gas in Turkey is rising and the country is trying to source the fuel at affordable price.

Turkey is locked in a dispute with Iran over price of gas it imports from its neighbor. Turkey laid a formal complaint against Iran with the International Court of Arbitration in regards to the price of gas in March 2012.

According to Press TV, Iran charges Turkey $490 for every 1,000 cubic meters of natural gas, while Turkey claims that the Republic of Azerbaijan and Russia supply gas to Turkey at $335 and $425 per 1,000 cubic meters, respectively.