• Natural Gas News

    Zimbabwe Finds Gas in Lupane-Lubimbi Basin



Zimbabwe has found gas reserves in the Lupane-Lubimbi basin estimated at over 23 billion cubic feet and would start exploitation this year, Mines and Mining Development minister, Walter Chidhakwa told local newspaper The Source.

by: shardul

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Zimbabwe Finds Gas in Lupane-Lubimbi Basin

Zimbabwe has found gas reserves in the Lupane-Lubimbi basin estimated at over 23 billion cubic feet and would start exploitation this year, Mines and Mining Development minister, Walter Chidhakwa told local newspaper The Source.

Exploration began in 2014 by state owned Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC), which has two coal bed methane (CBM) concessions in Lupane-Lubimbi area.

“Yes, we have discovered gas in the Lupane-Lubimbi basin and we gave Discovery Investments a special grant to start exploiting the gas,” Chidhakwa told the newspaper but declined to give details.

The government granted the exploration of gas a National Project Status in 2007, but did not take action until last year, The Source reported.