• Natural Gas News

    EnviTec Biogas enters Swedish market with EnviThan gas upgrading system


The system is being supplied to the Swedish company Vargarda-Herrljunga Biogas. [Image: EnviTec Biogas]

by: Shardul Sharma

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Europe, Natural Gas & LNG News, Topics, Germany, News By Country, Sweden

EnviTec Biogas enters Swedish market with EnviThan gas upgrading system

EnviTec Biogas, a player in the biogas industry based in Germany, has entered the Swedish market with its EnviThan gas upgrading system supplied to Vargarda-based Vargarda-Herrljunga Biogas, the company announced on July 8.

Vargarda-Herrljunga Biogas, which has embraced the combination of biogas and membrane technology since 2013, is expanding its biogas plant with an additional gas upgrading plant that meets the prescribed DIN standard for vehicle fuel. The new plant has a rated capacity of 402 Nm³/hour of biomethane (600 Nm³/h of raw biogas, 65 Vol. % methane) and is prepared for a capacity expansion of up to 566 Nm³/hour of biomethane (840 Nm³/h of raw biogas, 65 Vol. % methane).

The scope of delivery includes a fully skid-based raw gas upgrading system, enabling short installation times on site. The portfolio also features a two-stage gas cooling system, along with the EnviTec remote system and plant control developed by EnviTec.

The plant is connected to a local 4 km gas network, which in turn is connected to a high-pressure station. The biomethane can then be filled into mobile containers and delivered to a CNG filling station for future use as fuel.

Recently, EnviTec announced a partnership with Dutch company Regazz, a developer of circular biofuel production plants. This collaboration aims to accelerate the growth of sustainable energy solutions with a focus on biogas across Europe.

In March, the company said it is undertaking its largest investment programme to date, with a budget of €100mn ($108.3mn).